Monday, April 16, 2007

Keynote Speaker - Lee Rainie Director, Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 16, 2007

The Keynote Speech was primarily on Web 2.0, And what it means to libraries. He began by asking for a show of hands, that about half of the 2400 people at this conference had been to CIL before.

There were people from 48 of the 50 States, as well as from 12 countries,

He then "YouTubed" the video - "Ask a Ninja"

Starting Point for Web 2.0- Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle - September 2005

What's Different about Web 2.0?

Web as platform
Netscape vs Google
Doublclick vs Overture and AdSense
Akami vs. BitTorrent

Harnessing Collective Intelligence
Data is the Next "Intel inside"
Sofware above the level of a single device
Rich User experience and "Free"

Some Hallmarks of Web 2.0

The internet has become the computer

Broadband adoption and Growth in Wireless access means that the internet is much more attractive than it used to be. Many more people just hang out there for some part of their day.

Broadband makes video a big part of the internet experience, particularly among younger people.

85% of young broadband users have watched online video
62% have watched YouTube videos
19% have posted videos

Many more youths are blogging than older adults
Part of their social experience, sharing videos, gaming, etc..

Girls and young women are much more likely to post on a social networking site and boys and young men.

Even high educated people like to get at least part of their news from Colbert report and the Daily show as well as newspapers etc..

Some other hallmarks of Web 2.0 include the ability to Access content created by others, to customize others online content and make it your own, and to share knowhow and even the processing power of your computer in collaborative efforts such as "grid computing."